My journey to self-compassion

Elaine Schwartz
1 min readJan 26, 2021

I originally recorded this video for the Women at IBM NYC Humans video slack campaign. I wanted to openly share my 2020 focus; self-compassion and my road to get there. My goal was to inspire the community to share their stories.

I have been openly talking about Mental Health at IBM with the hope that to smash the stigma of talking about mental illness at work. “Stigma is still an enormous challenge: About two in five employees (42 %) answer “yes” when asked if they have ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. And, the shame of mental illness keeps many from revealing their affliction. In fact, in a confidential survey: 63 % of those diagnosed with a disorder say they have not disclosed it to employers.” (source)

Resources below:

  1. Ask yourself these three questions if you find yourself in a negative thought pattern: Am I being kind and understanding to myself? Do I acknowledge shortcomings and failure as experiences shared by everyone? Am I keeping my negative feelings in perspective?
  2. Check out WoeBot which a chatbot infusing artificial intelligence with the empathy and expertise of a therapist to create a powerful mental health solution.

I would love to hear about your journey, share in the comments!



Elaine Schwartz

Passionate about community, leadership, and women in tech. Believer that the little moments are what make life big. Experience Design @ Slack